Case Number: 17-1247

Lawsuit Seeks Records Related to Repeal of Gainful Employment Rule That Protected Student Borrowers

May 14, 2020
American Oversight and nonprofit legal organization Student Defense sued the Department of Education on Wednesday for records related to the repeal of a rule protecting students from excessive debt. 
(Photo: Gage Skidmore)

News Roundup: Who Will Watch the Inspectors General?

May 8, 2020
Every week seems to bring a new example of President Donald Trump’s disdain — or fear — of independent oversight.

Department of Education Political Appointee Calendars

December 18, 2019
Calendars for senior political appointees at the U.S. Department of Education covering the time period from each official's appointment through mid-July, 2017.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Senior Staff Calendars from January – July 2017

March 6, 2018
Calendars for Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and senior political appointees at the Department of Education, covering the time period from each official's appointment through mid-July, 2017. This document production includes more complete versions of the calendars than the previous copies that ED released in response to American Oversight's FOIA litigation.

FOIA In Action: Helping Journalists Expose Questionable Behavior By Trump’s Appointees

November 2, 2017
American Oversight has been investigating questionable behaviors by Trump's political appointees. Our FOIAs have helped journalists report on many conflicts of interests, such as using personal email for government business and high-level political figures hosting events at Trump properties.

Joint Status Report: American Oversight v. Ed — Department of Education Leadership Calendars and Communications

October 27, 2017
Status report filed by American Oversight in our lawsuit seeking the release of calendar of political appointees at the Department of Education. Education released a number of calendars to American Oversight but included a number of redactions and has failed to provide all of the information we sought.

Unexcused Absences: DeVos Calendars Show Frequent Days Off

October 27, 2017
American Oversight obtained Education Secretary Betsy DeVos' calendars from her first six months in office. Our analysis found that she took at least 11 long weekends, and she only completed a full day of work about 2/3 of the time.