Case Number: 19-1201

News Roundup: Who Stands to Gain?

April 17, 2020
As the administration’s tragically mismanaged response to the coronavirus continues to lurch onward, the answers to that question are more important than ever.
New York City during coronavirus lockdown

USDA Communications with Senator Perdue’s Office

December 21, 2019
U.S. Department of Agriculture records in response to our request seeking the communications of Secretary Sonny Perdue and his staff with the office of Georgia Sen. David Perdue, Secretary Perdue’s cousin.

Complaint: American Oversight v. USDA – Secretary Perdue Records

April 25, 2019
American Oversight sued the Department of Agriculture to compel the release of records related to Secretary Sonny Perdue's ethics disclosures as well as his communications with his cousin, Senator David Perdue, and specific industry interests.

FOIA to USDA Seeking Communications Between Secretary Perdue and Senator Perdue

February 21, 2019
FOIA to the Department of Agriculture seeking records reflecting communications between Secretary Perdue and his cousin, Senator David Perdue, as well as specific industry interests.

FOIA to USDA Seeking Records Regarding Perdue Conflicts of Interest

November 1, 2018
FOIA to USDA seeking all communications by individuals in the Office of Ethics at USDA regarding Secretary Perdue's business interests, potential conflicts of interest, and any final decisions surrounding his ethics disclosures and recusals.