Case Number: 19-1301

State Records Concerning Contracts with Failed Nominees and Meetings with Sheldon Adelson

January 24, 2020
Records from the Department of State in response to American Oversight's request for documents reflecting any contracts with individuals nominated, but unconfirmed, to high-level agency positions to perform the same or similar work for which they were unsuccessfully nominated. These records include calendar invites pertaining to meetings with Sheldon Adelson.

Treasury Records Concerning Sheldon Adelson and Casinos

October 4, 2019
Records from the Department of the Treasury seeking communications with Japan, China, and Brazil, regarding Sheldon Adelson and casinos.

No Records Response from Treasury Regarding White House Communications Concerning Sheldon Adelson

August 28, 2019
The Department of the Treasury stated that it had no records of White House communications regarding Sheldon Adelson. American Oversight sought these records to shed light on the potential influence of the President's donors on U.S. foreign policy and our diplomatic relationships.

No Records Response from Treasury Regarding Communications with Sheldon Adelson and His Representatives

August 28, 2019
The Department of the Treasury stated that it had no records of communications between appointees and Sheldon Adelson or his representatives.

News Roundup: Casinos and Questions

May 10, 2019
Climate change, the Mueller report, and three new lawsuits.
Donald Trump and Matt Schlapp in 2018 (Photo: Gage Skidmore)

American Oversight v. Commerce, Treasury, and State – Sheldon Adelson Influence

May 6, 2019
American Oversight's lawsuit against the departments of Commerce, Treasury, and State to shed light on casino-owner and Trump donor Sheldon Adelson's influence over federal policy.

FOIA to Treasury Seeking Communications Concerning Sheldon Adelson and Casinos

November 19, 2018
FOIA to the Department of the Treasury seeking communications with Japan, China, and Brazil, regarding Sheldon Adelson and casinos.

FOIA to Treasury Seeking Communications Regarding Sheldon Adelson and Casinos

November 19, 2018
FOIA to Treasury seeking communications with Japan, China, and Brazil, regarding Sheldon Adelson and casinos.

FOIA to State Regarding a Dinner with Tillerson and Adelson

November 19, 2018
FOIA to State seeking records from a dinner at the White House with President Trump, Sheldon and Miriam Adelson, Jared Kushner, and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Thursday February 9, 2017

FOIA to Treasury Seeking Communications with Sheldon Adelson and His Representatives

November 19, 2018
FOIA to Treasury seeking communications between appointees and Sheldon Adelson or his representatives.