Entity: Department of Commerce

FOIA to Commerce Seeking Directives Related to Hurricane Dorian Tweets and Statements

September 24, 2019
FOIA to the Commerce Department seeking directives issued by the White House or the Commerce Department related to tweets and public statements about Hurricane Dorian’s impact on the Southeastern United States.

FOIA to to the Census Bureau Seeking Information Regarding Political Appointees

September 23, 2019
FOIA request to the United States Census Bureau seeking records regarding the backgrounds and activities of political appointees. With scores of new individuals continuing to join the government in key, senior level positions, it is essential to understand who they are and the backgrounds they bring to their work.

Trump’s Obstruction of Congressional Oversight Has Been Unprecedented — Now We’re Suing the Administration for Stonewalling Our Investigation

September 19, 2019
To shed light on the executive branch's stonewalling, American Oversight today filed two lawsuits for records of communications between the White House and five Trump administration agencies.

Complaint: American Oversight v. GSA, HUD, Treasury, and Commerce – Communications Regarding Congressional Investigations

September 19, 2019
Lawsuit filed by American Oversight against four Trump administration agencies — the General Services Administration, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of the Treasury, and the Department of Commerce — for communications from White House officials regarding congressional oversight. American Oversight seeks these records as they may detail efforts by the White House to obstruct congressional investigations.

ITA Emails Regarding Harley-Davidson Moving Production Abroad from June 2018

September 17, 2019
International Trade Administration (ITA) emails regarding Harley-Davidson moving company productions abroad from June 2018.

Records from Commerce Regarding Communications with National Security Personnel

September 3, 2019
Calendars from the Department of Commerce in response to American Oversight's request for communications between high-ranking agency officials and certain members of the National Security Council.

FOIA to COMM Seeking Communications with Trump Campaign Interests

August 30, 2019
FOIA Request to Department of Commerce seeking communications from agency officials to President Trump’s reelection campaign or other interests supporting the president’s reelection.

No Records Response from Commerce and NOAA Regarding Communications with William Happer

August 15, 2019
The Department of Commerce's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association stated that it had no records of communications between senior officials and William Happer, a climate change skeptic and National Security Council member.

FOIA to COMM Seeking Communications with the Office of the Vice President

August 7, 2019
FOIA to U.S. Department of Commerce seeking all communications between certain high-level agency officials and certain senior officials in Vice President Mike Pence’s office.

News Roundup: “Remain in Mexico,” New Lawsuits, and Trump’s Friend Tom Barrack

August 2, 2019
Documents we uncovered show that a question asking asylum-seekers whether they had fear of being returned to Mexico was scrapped before the new Remain in Mexico policy was finalized.