Entity: Department of Commerce

FOIA to Commerce/BIS Seeking Emails About Nuclear Technology Sharing

March 8, 2019
FOIA to the Bureau of Industry and Security seeking email communications with non-governmental parties including certain key terms related to nuclear technology sharing.

FOIA to BIS Seeking Talking Points and Decision Memos About Nuclear Technology

March 8, 2019
FOIA to the Bureau of Industry and Security seeking final talking points, records reflecting final decisions, and internal assessments including certain key terms related to nuclear technology sharing.

FOIA to BIS Seeking Communications with National Security Council Personnel

March 8, 2019
FOIA to the Bureau of Industry and Security seeking communications between high-ranking agency officials and certain members of the National Security Council.

FOIA to BIS Seeking Communications with External Parties Related to Nuclear Technology

March 8, 2019
FOIA to the Bureau of Industry and Security seeking communications of high-ranking agency officials with non-governmental individuals and organizations with ties to the nuclear technology industry.

FOIA to ITA Seeking Emails About Nuclear Technology Sharing

March 8, 2019
FOIA to the International Trade Administration seeking email communications with non-governmental parties including certain key terms related to nuclear technology sharing.

FOIA to ITA Seeking Talking Points and Decision Memos About Nuclear Technology

March 8, 2019
FOIA to the International Trade Administration seeking final talking points, records reflecting final decisions, and internal assessments including certain key terms related to nuclear technology sharing.

FOIA to Commerce Seeking Records Relating to Dr. William Happer

March 7, 2019
FOIA to the Department of Commerce and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration seeking records relating to communications with the head of the White House’s adversarial climate science review.

Complaint: American Oversight v. Commerce – Ross Communications and Conflicts of Interest

March 1, 2019
American Oversight's lawsuit against Commerce seeking records of communications with entities listed on Commerce Secretary Ross' ethics agreements, communications between senior Commerce officials and business entities, and records of Ross' meetings with industry groups.

The Complicated World of Wilbur Ross’ Finances

February 28, 2019
American Oversight has been looking into the commerce secretary's complex and confusing financial holdings, identifying a number of serious ethics issues.

News Roundup: Citizenship, the Census and the Constitution

February 15, 2019
The Supreme Court will consider the inclusion of a citizenship question on the census, Trump declares a national emergency and the Senate confirms William Barr.