Entity: Department of Health and Human Services

CDC Records of Presentations from Deloitte Regarding Vaccine Administration Management System from July to October 2020

November 23, 2020
Records from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in response to American Oversight’s request for any assessments, reports, or projections from the financial company Deloitte regarding the tracking of the distribution and administration of Covid-19 vaccines. These records include presentations from Deloitte regarding a vaccine administration management system from July to October 2020.

CDC Records Released in Response to Request for Directives to McKesson Regarding Vaccine Distribution

November 23, 2020
Records released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in response to American Oversight’s request for all orders, commands, directives, instructions, or guidance given to McKesson health-care company regarding the potential or actual distribution of Covid-19 vaccines.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Communications of Designated Agency Transition Official

November 23, 2020
FOIA request to the Department of Health and Human Services seeking communication records of the agency’s designated presidential transition official.

Bureau of Prisons Records Provide New Details on Prison Officials’ Response to Pandemic

November 18, 2020
American Oversight has obtained documents that provide more information on how the Federal Bureau of Prisons missed key early opportunities to mitigate the virus’ spread within facilities.

Investigations Update: ‘Sharpiegate,’ the Census, and Barr’s ‘Voter Fraud’ Investigations

November 17, 2020
See the latest in our investigations of the Justice Department’s voter fraud probes, the rush to finish the census, and criminal charges against protesters.

Pfizer’s Big Vaccine Announcement

November 13, 2020
This week, Pfizer and its partner BioNTech became the first company to release positive results from a late-stage coronavirus vaccine trial.

FOIA Request to CMS Seeking Emails Regarding Georgia 1332 Waiver

November 13, 2020
FOIA request to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services seeking emails containing key terms related to Georgia’s recently approved 1332 waiver.

News Roundup: Trump’s Warped Priorities

November 12, 2020
As the nation rapidly approaches a quarter of a million deaths, President Trump is consumed with delegitimizing the election by pushing dangerous and unfounded claims about voter fraud.

FOIA to HHS for Records of Expenses from Trips to Swing States

November 12, 2020
FOIA request to Department of Health and Human Services seeking records reflecting expenses incurred from trips of top officials to swing states in the run-up to the 2020 election.

CDC Records Regarding Orders to DeLoitte for Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution and Tracking

November 10, 2020
Records from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in response to American Oversight's request for all orders, commands, directives, instructions, or guidance given to the financial company Deloitte regarding, tracking, distribution, and administration of Covid-19 vaccines.