Entity: Department of Health and Human Services

No Records Response from HHS Regarding Analyses or Directives on Self-Managed Abortion

September 18, 2020
The Department of Health and Human Services stated that it had no records responsive to American Oversight's request for directives and analyses on self-managed abortion.

News Roundup: Behind the Scenes at the Postal Service

September 17, 2020
The question of what has been going on at the U.S. Postal Service has been a subject of increasing concern as the election draws nearer and as Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s leadership remains mired in controversy.

CDC Records of SharePoint Messages Regarding Covid-19

September 17, 2020
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention produced Microsoft SharePoint messages in response to American Oversight's request for the contents of conversations between federal, state, and local health officials in a discussion forum hosted by CDC.

Redfield’s Mask and Vaccine Comments Become New Target of Trump’s Rejection of Science

September 17, 2020
President Donald Trump has once again this week put himself at odds with his own scientists — in this case, CDC Director Robert Redfield.

Senate Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Coronavirus Response

September 16, 2020
CDC Director Redfield, HHS Assistant Secretary Kadlec, and HHS Assistant Secretary Giroir are appearing before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee on Wednesday morning.

FOIA to CDC Seeking Copy of Vaccine Distribution and Administration Tracking Contract with DeLoitte

September 16, 2020
FOIA request to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seeking copies of CDC’s vaccine distribution and administration tracking contract with the financial company Deloitte.

FOIA to CDC Seeking Orders to Deloitte Regarding Vaccine Distribution and Administration Tracking

September 16, 2020
FOIA request to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seeking all orders, commands, directives, instructions, or guidance given to the financial company Deloitte regarding tracking of the distribution and administration of Covid-19 vaccines.

FOIA to CDC Seeking Any Assessments from Deloitte Regarding Vaccine Distribution Tracking and Administration

September 16, 2020
FOIA request to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seeking any assessments, reports, or projections from the financial company Deloitte regarding the tracking of the distribution and administration of Covid-19 vaccines.

FOIA to CDC Seeking Copy of Vaccine Distribution Contract with McKesson

September 16, 2020
FOIA request to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seeking copies of CDC’s vaccine distribution contract with McKesson health-care company regarding the distribution of any COVID-19 vaccine.

FOIA to CDC Seeking Directives to McKesson Regarding Vaccine Distribution

September 16, 2020
FOIA request to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seeking all orders, commands, directives, instructions, or guidance given to McKesson health-care company regarding the potential or actual distribution of Covid-19 vaccines.