Entity: Department of Health and Human Services

No Records Response from NIAID Regarding Communications with Individuals Pushing Questionable COVID Treatments

September 1, 2020
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases stated that it had no records responsive to American Oversight's request communications with individuals pushing questionable Covid-19 treatments.

FOIA to HHS Inspector General Seeking Whistleblower Complaints Related to Politicization of Coronavirus Response

September 1, 2020
FOIA request to the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General seeking whistleblower complaints or tips related to politicization of the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic.

FOIA to HHS Inspector General Seeking Whistleblower Complaints Concerning Conduct of Senior Officials Leading Federal Response to Pandemic

September 1, 2020
FOIA request to the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General seeking whistleblower complaints or tips containing allegations concerning the conduct of specified senior officials leading the federal government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

FOIA to HHS Inspector General Seeking Tips or Complaints Regarding Coronavirus Vaccine Development

September 1, 2020
FOIA request to the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General seeking any tips or complaints regarding potential fraud, waste, or abuse in coronavirus vaccine development or manufacturing.

FOIA to FDA Seeking Complaints Regarding Politicization of Federal Coronavirus Response

September 1, 2020
FOIA request to the Food and Drug Administration seeking any employee questions, complaints, or concerns submitted to FDA ethics officials regarding politicization of the federal coronavirus response.

FOIA to CDC Seeking Complaints Regarding Politicization of Federal Coronavirus Response

September 1, 2020
FOIA request to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seeking any employee questions, complaints, or concerns submitted to CDC ethics officials regarding politicization of the federal coronavirus response.

No Records Response from CDC Regarding World Health Organization Funding

August 31, 2020
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that it had no records responsive to American Oversight's request for records sufficient to identify any entities (including but not limited to nongovernmental organizations, international organizations, or foreign countries) currently receiving U.S. funding that was previously directed to the World Health Organization.

No Records Response from DHS Regarding Kentucky’s Absentee Ballot Integrity Task Force

August 31, 2020
The Department of Homeland Security stated that it had no records responsive to American Oversight's request for records regarding Kentucky’s Absentee Ballot Integrity Task Force, including records reflecting any meetings with the task force.

No Records Response from CDC Regarding Texts with Mark Meadows

August 31, 2020
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated it had no records responsive to our request for communications, including text messages or from other messaging apps, between top officials and incoming White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

Withheld Records Response from NIH Regarding Communications About the Termination of EcoHealth Alliance’s Bat Research Grant

August 26, 2020
The Department of Health and Human Services' National Institutes of Health said it is withholding records responsive to American Oversight's request for all electronic communications regarding plans to terminate a grant awarded to EcoHealth Alliance for research related to bats and Covid-19.