Entity: Department of Health and Human Services

Investigations Update: Attorney General Barr’s Conduct, Airline Industry Influence, and Trump’s Suggestion to Postpone the Election

August 25, 2020
See the latest in our investigations into William Barr’s politicization of the Justice Department and industry’s influence over pandemic relief fund allocation.

CDC Email Communications with Smithfield Foods

August 24, 2020
Records from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in response to American Oversight's request for emails between high-ranking agency officials meat industry representatives concerning Covid-19 outbreaks in meat-processing plants. These records include email communications with representatives of Smithfield Foods.

No Records Response from CMS Regarding Emails from White House About a “Covid Mail” System

August 21, 2020
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services stated that it had no records responsive to American Oversight's request for emails from the White House “Covid Mail” internal email system, which reportedly is used to forward requests from “friends and family” of the White House to agency officials.

FOIA to HHS Regarding Specific TeleTracking Technologies NDA

August 21, 2020
FOIA request to the Department of Health and Human Services seeking a specific non-disclosure agreement with TeleTracking Technologies.

FOIA to DHS Seeking Records Regarding Kentucky’s Absentee Ballot Integrity Task Force

August 21, 2020
FOIA request to the the Department of Homeland Security seeking records regarding Kentucky's Absentee Ballot Integrity Task Force, including records reflecting any meetings with the task force.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Analyses Underlying Work Visa Suspension

August 20, 2020
FOIA request to the Department of Health and Human Services seeking records of analyses regarding the suspension of certain work visas.

FOIA to CDC Seeking Analyses Underlying Work Visa Suspension

August 20, 2020
FOIA request to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seeking records of analyses regarding the suspension of certain work visas.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Analyses Regarding the Impact of Visa Suspension on Health Care

August 20, 2020
FOIA request to the Department of Health and Human Services seeking records of analyses regarding the impact of visa suspensions on health care.

FOIA to CDC Seeking Analyses Regarding the Impact of Visa Suspension on Health Care

August 20, 2020
FOIA request to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seeking records of analyses regarding the impact of visa suspensions on health care.

HHS Coronavirus Vaccine Development Contracts with Janssen Pharmaceutica

August 19, 2020
Records from the Department of Health and Human Services in response to American Oversight's request for coronavirus vaccine development contracts with Janssen Pharmaceutica.