Entity: Department of Health and Human Services

FOIA to CMS Seeking Sent Communications Containing Terms Related to Coronavirus

March 17, 2020
FOIA to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) seeking sent communications containing terms related to coronavirus.

FOIA to CDC Seeking Sent Communications Containing Terms Related to Coronavirus

March 17, 2020
FOIA to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) seeking sent communications containing terms related to coronavirus.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Sent Communications Containing Terms Related to Coronavirus

March 17, 2020
FOIA to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) seeking sent communications containing terms related to coronavirus.

News Roundup: Continuing Our Investigation of Coronavirus Response

March 13, 2020
As we all take steps to mitigate the severity of the outbreak, American Oversight is continuing to investigate the Trump administration’s troublingly inadequate response to the crisis.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Memo on IT Problems at CMS

March 12, 2020
FOIA to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services seeking a copy of the February 27, 2020 memorandum from HHS Chief Information Officer Jose Arrieta regarding IT problems at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Rejection from the CDC Regarding How Many Individuals Have Been Tested for Coronavirus

March 11, 2020
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevented rejected American Oversight's request for records reflecting data on testing for coronavirus, including the numbers of individuals tested, and confirmed and presumptive positive cases.

FOIA to FDA Seeking Communications from FDA official Timothy Stenzel to CDC Officials

March 10, 2020
FOIA to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seeking email communications sent by Timothy Stenzel, FDA Director of the Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health, to officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), during the period of his visit to a CDC facility working on tests for coronavirus.

News Roundup: Rising Coronavirus Fears and Sinking Public Trust

March 6, 2020
The uncertainty and fear surrounding the coronavirus have laid bare the deadly consequences of President Donald Trump’s demand for obsequious loyalty and a refusal to take responsibility for mistakes.

FOIA to FDA Seeking Communications from FDA official Timothy Stenzel to CDC Officials

March 5, 2020
FOIA to the Food and Drug Administration seeking email communications sent by Timothy Stenzel, FDA Director of the Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health, to CDC officials, during the period of his visit to a CDC facility working on tests for coronavirus.

FOIA to NIAID Seeking All Records Reflecting Canceled Coronavirus Media Appearance by Dr. Anthony Fauci

March 5, 2020
FOIA request to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) seeking all records reflecting the cancellation of any media appearances by NIAID Director, Dr. Anthony Fauci.