Entity: Department of Health and Human Services

FOIA to HHS Seeking Email Communications and Contracts with Mary Vought or Vought Strategies, LLC

August 23, 2019
FOIA to the Department of Health and Human Services seeking email communications and contracts with Mary Vought, or her communications firm, Vought Strategies, LLC.

DHS Records Regarding Scott Lloyd’s Surveillance of Pregnant Unaccompanied Minors

August 22, 2019
Scott Lloyd's communications, spreadsheets, and summaries regarding pregnant unaccompanied minors in detention centers. These records were sought by American Oversight on behalf of Equity Forward in a lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services.

HHS Records Related to Pregnant Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors in ORR Custody

August 21, 2019
Health and Human Services records related to pregnant unaccompanied immigrant minors in Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) custody. These records were produced pursuant to a Campaign for Accountability request. American Oversight represented CfA in its FOIA litigation.

FOIA to ACF Seeking Guidance Regarding Visits of Congressional Members, Politicians, Federal Officials

August 21, 2019
FOIA to Administration for Children and Families seeking guidance regarding how to manage and prepare for visits to immigration facilities by outside individuals including members of Congress, political candidates or officials, or federal inspectors.

No Records Response from CDC Regarding Communications Between Pain Management Task Force Members and Drug Companies

August 20, 2019
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that it had no records of communications between certain members of a Pain Management Task Force and certain drug and device manufacturers.

News Roundup: The Hatch Act and Freedom of Speech

August 16, 2019
New harsh immigration policies, weaker endangered species protections, and a lawsuit to protect the free speech rights of federal employees.

FOIA to HHS and ACF Seeking Communications with Stephen Miller

August 14, 2019
FOIA to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) seeking communications between high-level HHS and ACF officials and Stephen Miller.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Documents Related to White House Health Care Meeting with Conservative Leaders

August 12, 2019
FOIA to the Department of Health and Human Services seeking documents related to a July 12, 2019 meeting at the White House between Secretary Azar, Domestic Policy Counsel Director Joe Grogan, and conservative leaders.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Communications Between Surgeon General Adams and Gun Rights Advocates

August 9, 2019
FOIA to the Department of Health and Human Services seeking documents, including emails and meeting materials, reflecting any communications between Surgeon General Adams and gun rights proponents.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Communications Between Surgeon General Adams and E-Cigarette Manufacturers

August 9, 2019
FOIA to the Department of Health and Human Services seeking documents, including emails and meeting materials, reflecting any communications between Surgeon General Adams and e-cigarette manufacturers.