Entity: Department of Health and Human Services

Complaint: American Oversight v. HHS – Royce Calendars

May 29, 2019
American Oversight's lawsuit against Health and Human Services seeking Shannon Royce’s calendars, the director of the HHS Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives.

News Roundup: Congressional Hearing Shows and No-Shows

May 24, 2019
Ben Carson, Diane Auer Jones, and Don McGahn's empty chair
(Photo: Gage Skidmore)

No Records Response from the Administration for Children and Families Regarding Correspondence with Paula White

May 24, 2019
No records response from the Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families for correspondence with Paula White, President Trump's spiritual advisor.

HHS Records Regarding Communications with Anti-Abortion Groups

May 23, 2019
Records from the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights regarding communications with anti-abortion groups, including Alliance Defending Freedom, Center for Medical Progress, The Heritage Foundation, and Americans United for Life.

No Records Response from FDA Regarding Food Inspection Delays During The Government Shutdown

May 21, 2019
The Food and Drug Administration Office of Regulatory affairs stated that it had no records of delays in food inspections during the government shutdown.

FOIA to HHS Regarding Conservative Influence over Changing U.S. Strategy Towards Women and LGBT Rights

May 20, 2019
FOIA to DOJ to determine the extent of conservative, anti-abortion, and anti-LGBT groups' influence on the U.S. delegation to the UN Committee on the Status of Women.

News Roundup: Investigating State-Level Threats to Democracy

May 17, 2019
With so much attention trained on tackling federal misconduct in the Trump administration, corruption at the state and local levels has flourished and often gone unchecked.

News Roundup: Casinos and Questions

May 10, 2019
Climate change, the Mueller report, and three new lawsuits.
Donald Trump and Matt Schlapp in 2018 (Photo: Gage Skidmore)

FOIA to HHS Seeking Email Communications Regarding Religious Exemptions for Foster Care Agencies

May 10, 2019
FOIA to HHS seeking email communications of officials in the Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives concerning religious exemptions for foster care agencies.

News Roundup: Above the Law

May 3, 2019
From his mixing of business with public service to his resistance to congressional investigations, Trump and his administration have been operating as if they are above the law.