Entity: Department of Health and Human Services

FOIA to CDC Seeking Calendars for Robert Redfield

February 27, 2019
FOIA to CDC seeking calendars for Robert Redfield to shed light on how senior officials are spending time and resources.

FOIA to FDA Seeking Calendars for Scott Gottlieb and Paul Howard

February 27, 2019
FOIA to FDA seeking calendars for Scott Gottlieb and Paul Howard to shed light on how senior officials are spending time and resources.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Calendars for Senior Agency Officials

February 27, 2019
FOIA to HHS seeking calendars for Brett Giroir, Jerome Adams, Scott Lloyd, Valerie Huber, Charmaine Yoest, and Theresa Manning to find out how government officials are spending time and resources.

Complaint: Equity Forward v. HHS – Anti-Abortion Influence

February 25, 2019
Lawsuit filed by American Oversight on behalf of Equity Forward for communications between HHS officials and anti-abortion groups.

New Lawsuit Seeks HHS Communications with Anti-Abortion Groups

February 21, 2019
American Oversight sued the Department of Health and Human Services to shed light on the influence that anti-abortion groups, including Alliance Defending Freedom, the Center for Medical Progress, Americans United for Life, the Heritage Foundation, the Family Research Council have had on agency policy.

Complaint: American Oversight v. HHS – Anti-Abortion Influence

February 21, 2019
American Oversight's lawsuit against HHS seeking communications between HHS senior officials and anti-abortion groups to determine if the groups are influencing policy.

FOIA to Multiple Agencies Seeking Communications with Ballard Partners

February 14, 2019
FOIA Request to multiple agencies lobbied by lobbying firm Ballard Partners seeking communications with Trump administration political appointees. Florida-based Ballard Partners has grown rapidly due to its connections with the Trump administration, and this request seeks to uncover Ballard's influence on the administration.

FOIA to CMS Seeking Memos Regarding Medicaid Work Requirements

February 8, 2019
FOIA to CMS seeking memos and reports regarding imposing work requirements on medicaid recipients.

FOIA to CMS Seeking Communications with State Governments Related to Medicaid Work Requirements

February 8, 2019
FOIA to CMS seeking communications of top officials with state government officials related to Medicaid work requirements and demonstration waivers.

FOIA to HHS and CMS Seeking Communications with Non-Governmental Entities Related to Medicaid Work Requirements

February 8, 2019
FOIA to HHS and CMS seeking communications of top officials with external entities related to imposing work requirements on Medicaid recipients.