Entity: Department of Health and Human Services

FOIA to CMS Seeking Communications with State Governments Related to Medicaid Work Requirements

February 8, 2019
FOIA to CMS seeking communications of top officials with state government officials related to Medicaid work requirements and demonstration waivers.

FOIA to HHS and CMS Seeking Communications with Non-Governmental Entities Related to Medicaid Work Requirements

February 8, 2019
FOIA to HHS and CMS seeking communications of top officials with external entities related to imposing work requirements on Medicaid recipients.

FOIA to Multiple Agencies Seeking Records of Reimbursements Prior to the Government Shutdown

February 7, 2019
FOIA to multiple agencies seeking records of reimbursements given to appointees to expenses such as payments associated with travel, housing, the cost of government transportation, airfare, lodging, meals, per diem payments, rental vehicles, overtime payments, or any payments made via government-issued charge cards or travel from before the 35-day government shutdown.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Decision Memos Authorized by Roger Severino

February 7, 2019
FOIA to HHS seeking all decision memoranda or other policy guidance documents signed or authorized by Roger Severino, the head of HHS's Office of Civil Rights.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Communications by Justin Butterfield in OCR

February 6, 2019
FOIA to HHS seeking records reflecting any communications between Justin Butterfield, in the Office of Civil Rights, and any of the former clients he worked for before joining the government. We got the list of former clients from the ethics documents produced by HHS in response to our baselines lawsuit.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Communications with C. Boyden Gray

February 4, 2019
FOIA to Health and Human Services seeking communications between top officials and influential Republican donor and lobbyist C. Boyden Gray

HHS Records Regarding Pork Farms During September 2018

February 1, 2019
Heath and Human Services emails about pork farms and hurricane recovery efforts. Email range from September 1-30 2018.

FOIA to Multiple Agencies Seeking Records of Reimbursements During the Government Shutdown

January 28, 2019
FOIA to multiple agencies seeking records of reimbursements given to appointees to expenses such as payments associated with travel, housing, the cost of government transportation, airfare, lodging, meals, per diem payments, rental vehicles, overtime payments, or any payments made via government-issued charge cards or travel during the government shutdown.

News Roundup: Two Troubling Inspector General Reports

January 18, 2019
When it comes to hearing from its own investigators, it wasn’t a very good week for the administration.
San Ysidro

FOIA to CMS Seeking Political Appointee Resumes and Job Titles

January 18, 2019
FOIA to CMS seeking political appointee resumes, titles, SF-50 forms, and ethics waivers since January 20, 2017.