Entity: Department of Health and Human Services

Complaint: American Oversight v. HHS – Family Separation Policy

December 4, 2018
American Oversight's lawsuit against HHS, ACF, and the HHS Office of Inspector General seeking records related to the administration's family separation policy, including DNA testing to reunite families, conditions of immigrant detention centers, and records from any OIG inspections of the detention centers.

Complaint: American Oversight v. Multiple Entities – Family Separation Policy Costs

December 4, 2018
American Oversight's lawsuit against DOJ, EOIR, U.S. Marshals Service, HHS, ACF, CBP, USCIS, and OMB seeking records related to costs associated with the Trump administration's family separation policy.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Scott Lloyd’s Ethics Waivers and Resume

December 3, 2018
FOIA to HHS seeking Scott Lloyd's resumes and ethics waivers or authorizations.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Scott Lloyd’s Communications and Ethics Determinations

December 3, 2018
FOIA to HHS seeking communications regarding Scott Lloyd's ethical determinations following a report that Lloyd is writing a book.

HHS Deputy Secretary Hargan’s Calendars

November 23, 2018
HHS Deputy Secretary Hargan's calendars from October 2017-April 2018, including a time period from when he was Acting HHS Secretary.

American Oversight Sues Federal Agencies for Evidence of Jared Kushner Personal Email Use

November 21, 2018
American Oversight today sued six federal agencies to uncover the extent of Jared Kushner's use of personal email for official governmental business. The suit comes the same week as news broke that his wife, Ivanka Trump, used personal email to conduct White House business on hundreds of occasions in 2017 — which White House officials only discovered when a May 2017 lawsuit filed by American Oversight sparked an internal review. 

Complaint: American Oversight v. DOD, HHS, DOJ, DHS, State, and Treasury – Jared Kushner Personal Email Use

November 21, 2018
American Oversight's lawsuit against the Department of Defense, Health and Human Services, the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, the State Department, and the Department of the Treasury to uncover the extent of Jared Kushner’s personal email use. American Oversight’s suit follows a Washington Post report detailing Ivanka Trump’s use of personal email to conduct government business on hundreds of occasions in 2017.

FOIA to Multiple Agencies Seeking Communications Regarding Ivanka Trump’s Use of Personal Email

November 20, 2018
FOIA to multiple agencies seeking communications with the agencies, the White House, and Ivanka Trump’s law firms regarding Ivanka Trump and her use of personal email.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Communications Containing the Term Matching Table

November 16, 2018
FOIA to HHS regarding a database used to track children separated from their parents seeking communications containing the term "matching table."

FOIA to HHS Seeking Records Related to a Database to Track Separated Children

November 16, 2018
FOIA to HHS seeking records related to a database used to track children separated from their parents, including instructions to create a database the information it's tracking, and how many children and adults are being tracked in the database.