Entity: Department of Health and Human Services

New FOIAs: Trump Disputes Hurricane Maria’s Death Toll

October 15, 2018
In a series of tweets, the president claimed that “3,000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico” and that it was a ploy by the Democrats to make him “look as bad as possible.” These Tweets came just weeks after a long-awaited independent study on the fatalities were released.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Communications Following Hurricane Florence Regarding Hog Lagoons

October 10, 2018
FOIA to HHS seeking communications with Congresspeople and Senators regarding the risks posed by hog lagoons following Hurricane Florence.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Communications with the National Pork Producers Council Following Hurricane Florence

October 10, 2018
FOIA to HHS seeking communications with the National Pork Producers Council, The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, and The North Carolina Pork Council regarding the risks posed by hog lagoons following Hurricane Florence.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Email Communications Immediately Following Hurricane Florence

October 10, 2018
FOIA to HHS seeking all e-mail communications sent or received by any DHS political appointees from September 1, 2018, through September 30, 2018, that contain any of the terms like: pork, pigs, hog, swine, NCPC, and NPPC.

FOIA to Multiple Entities Seeking Records Related to the Funding of the Administration’s Family Separation Policy

October 2, 2018
FOIA seeking records from multiple entities regarding the cost of the family separation policy, including: the availability or unavailability of funds, any assessment of appropriating funds for the policy, and any constraints on funding.

FOIA to Multiple Entities Seeking Records Related to the Administration’s Family Separation Policy

October 2, 2018
FOIA seeking records from multiple entities to determine the total costs of implementing the family separation policy, as well as records of programs from which funds for housing and reuniting children separated from their parents have been diverted and their costs.

HHS Secretary Azar’s Calendars

September 24, 2018
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar's calendars from his first three months in office, January 29, 2018 through April 30, 2018.

HHS Records Regarding Communications Between Seema Verma and Dennis Smith

September 21, 2018
HHS records in response to our FOIA request to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for all communications between CMS Administrator Seema Verma and Dennis Smith of the Arkansas Department of Human Services. Records include email correspondence between March and July 2017, including 6 emails from Smith to Verma regarding thoughts and suggestions on healthcare legislation, Medicaid, and Arkansas-specific concerns.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Communications Regarding Hurricane Maria and Funeral Costs

September 20, 2018
FOIA to HHS seeking communications with the White House Office, the Government of Puerto Rico, FEMA, and HHS regarding Hurricane Maria and funeral costs.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Communications Regarding Hurricane Maria and the Milken Institute Study

September 20, 2018
FOIA to HHS seeking communications with the White House Office, the Government of Puerto Rico, FEMA, and HHS regarding Hurricane Maria and George Washington University’s Milken study.