Entity: Department of Health and Human Services

FOIA to HHS Seeking Communications Between HHS Officials and Anti-Choice/Religious Organizations

August 28, 2018
FOIA to HHS seeking communications between HHS officials and a series of outside entities, including Alliance Defending Freedom, Center for Medical Progress, The Heritage Foundation, Americans United for Life, among others.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Calendar Entries for Senior Appointees

August 28, 2018
FOIA to HHS seeking calendar entries for senior appointees including Roger Severino, T. March Bell, Maya Noronha, Louis Brown, or Arina Grossu.

FOIA to HHS/CDC Regarding the Erasure of LGBTQ Data in BRFSS Surveys

August 24, 2018
FOIA to HHS/CDC regarding the erasure of LGBTQ data in CDC's Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) seeking communications and records related to this decision.

HHS Letter Pointing to Public Information

July 31, 2018
Health and Human Services Letter pointing to public information in response to our FOIA request to "identify all actions HHS has taken to allow for expanded access to remote prescribing of medicines for substance abuse treatment by telemedicine under the authority granted by Acting Secretary Hargan’s October 26, 2017 declaration of a public health emergency resulting from the opioid crisis."

FOIA to HHS Seeking Pro-Life Pledges

July 25, 2018
FOIA seeking all agreements, certifications, oaths, commitments, or other pledges required to be signed by political appointees or career staff prior to or in connection with their employment at HHS that involved support for traditional “pro-life” or anti-abortion positions.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Communications Regarding Changes to the CMS Website

June 29, 2018
FOIA to HHS submitted along with the Sunlight Foundation seeking all communications regarding any considered or actual changes to the medicare.gov website, the medicaid.gov website, the cms.gov website, or the insurekidsnow.gov website.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Messages Sent or Submitted to the Women’s Health Website

June 29, 2018
FOIA to HHS submitted along with the Sunlight Foundation seeking all messages sent to or from the email address [email protected], or submitted using the contact form on the Office on Women's Health's website.

Complaint: Equity Forward v. HHS

June 26, 2018
Lawsuit filed on behalf of Equity Forward against the Department of Health and Human Services to compel the release of records relating to the Trump administration’s policy of separating and detaining the children of immigrants arrested attempting to enter the United States. The lawsuit seeks records including schedules of senior HHS officials, communications involving the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), and communications between ORR Director Scott Lloyd and outside groups regarding the child separation policy.

FOIA to ACF Seeking Emails about Sen. Merkley Visit to Detention Facility

June 20, 2018
FOIA seeking email communications regarding Sen. Merkley's visit to a detention facility.

FOIA to ACF Seeking Capacity Update Report Spreadsheets

June 20, 2018
FOIA to ACF seeking capacity update spreadsheets.