Entity: Department of Health and Human Services

FOIA to ACF Seeking Emails Regarding DHS Secretary Nielsen’s Testimony About Family Separation

June 20, 2018
FOIA to ACF asking for communications with Secretary Nielsen regarding her testimony on family separation.

FOIA to Multiple Agencies Seeking Communications to Determine Trump Associates’ Influence

May 11, 2018
FOIA to multiple agencies seeking to shed light on whether or not Michael Cohen or any of his associates have influenced federal activities, including whether they have received special treatment for their high-paying clients. American Oversight is seeking communications between any appointee and the following: Michael Cohen, Essential Consultants, Corey Lewandowski, Jason Osborne, Mike Rubino, Barry Bennett, Turnberry Solutions LLC, and Avenue Strategies.

Complaint: Equity Forward v. HHS – HHS Communications with Anti-Abortion Rights Groups

May 4, 2018
American Oversight’s lawsuit on behalf of Equity Forward against the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for records reflecting communications between key agency officials and specific anti-abortion rights groups, such as Americans United for Life and the Susan B. Anthony List. This complaint also seeks communications with particular members of Congress and their staff regarding reproductive health rights.

FOIA to HHS Regarding School Discipline Guidance and Secretary DeVos’ Safety Commission

May 2, 2018
FOIA to HHS seeking communications regarding the establishment or activities of the School Safety Commission, the Obama administration’s guidance on school discipline, GAO report “K-12 Education: Discipline Disparities for Black Students, Boys, and Students with Disabilities," or racial disparities in school discipline policies between Alex Azar and others in the HHS Secretary's office.

FOIA Seeking Communications Regarding Lance Leggitt’s Memorandum

April 20, 2018
FOIA seeking all documents and communications concerning, or referring to, the May 3, 2017 Memorandum from Lance Leggitt, Chief of Staff, to Heads of Operating and Staff Divisions concerning congressional relations and communications.

FOIA Seeking Any Agreements Given to HHS Employees

April 20, 2018
FOIA Seeking HHS forms, policies, instructions, or agreements provided to HHS employees or otherwise implemented since January 20, 2017 that reference communications with Congress, including those with either non-disclosure or non-disparagement provisions, and including all modifications, rescissions, limitations, or other changes.

FOIA to HHS Regarding Limitations on Employees Communicating with Congress

April 20, 2018
FOIA to HHS seeking all records reflecting communications concerning actual or potential limitations on the ability of current or former federal employees to communicate with Congress or any White House staffer.

Joint Status Report: Equity Forward v. HHS – Immigrant Minors’ Reproductive Rights

April 12, 2018
Joint Status Report filed by Equity Forward, represented by American Oversight, in the FOIA lawsuit against HHS seeking records related to efforts to restrict the abortion rights of undocumented immigrant minors. HHS has indicated that it will take until the year 2046 to finish producing records responsive to just one portion of this FOIA request.

Follow-Up FOIA to HHS Regarding Visitor Logs

April 3, 2018
Follow-up FOIA request submitted in response to previous records of visitor logs received by American Oversight and reports that certain visitors with appointments to meet with senior HHS officials can have their names added to lists that are kept at the security desks, so that they do not have to formally sign in. American Oversight is asking for all records of visitors who arrive at security desks.

HHS Headquarters Visitor Logs

April 3, 2018
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) paper visitor logs for the headquarters building in Washington, DC. The records are handwritten sign-in sheets covering the time period from March 2017 through mid-March 2018.