Entity: Department of Health and Human Services

FOIA to Multiple Agencies Regarding Trump Appointees Accusing Career Staff of Disloyalty

March 29, 2018
Following reports that high-level Trump administration officials expressed concern about the “loyalty” of career civil servants at the State Department, and even explored ways to “purge” some of those career employees from their positions. American Oversight submitted this FOIA to determine whether similar conversations occurred at other agencies.

FOIA to HHS Regarding Changes to HHS’s Office on Women’s Health Website

March 28, 2018
FOIA from American Oversight and the Sunlight Foundation to HHS seeking communications regarding the womenshealth.gov website or any other websites hosting or containing content relating to the Office on Women’s Health.

FOIA Seeking Communications Regarding the Office of Women’s Health

March 28, 2018
FOIA from American Oversight and the Sunlight Foundation seeking communications between HHS and anyone in the Office on Women’s Health regarding the womenshealth.gov website or any other websites hosting or containing content relating to the Office on Women’s Health.

FOIA to HHS Seeking Law Firm Communications Related to Women’s Health Website Changes

March 28, 2018
FOIA to HHS seeking communications sent to or from personnel of the firm Hager Sharp regarding changes being made to the website for HHS’s Office on Women’s Health.

No Records Response From HHS Regarding Responses to the Opioid Epidemic

March 23, 2018
No records response from HHS to our FOIA seeking records to determine whether any of the following powers granted by the Public Health Emergency declaration as a result of the opioid crisis have been employed by the Secretary.

Complaint: American Oversight v. Multiple Agencies – Appointee Resumes

March 22, 2018
American Oversight sued 18 agencies in order to force the release of resumes for political appointees across the Trump administration. This is the second lawsuit that American Oversight has filed seeking appointee resumes. FOIA requests included in this complaint cover appointees who joined the administration in the time period follow the first sets of resumes we obtained in 2017.

Seema Verma Recusal Records

March 16, 2018
Records related to Seema Verma's recusal requirements, including memos about her recusal.

New Lawsuit: How Much are Cabinet Officials Spending on Office Upgrades

March 14, 2018
After uncovering new details about office renovation expenses at HUD and the EPA, American Oversight filed a broad, multi-agency lawsuit to find out how much taxpayer money senior Trump administration officials – including Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross – have spent to upgrade their personal offices. 

Complaint: American Oversight v. Multiple Agencies – Office Renovation Expenses

March 14, 2018
Lawsuit filed by American Oversight against 16 federal agencies seeking records of expenditures made to upgrade or renovate the offices of senior political appointees. 

FOIA to FDA Seeking Communications with the Opioid Industry

March 12, 2018
FOIA to FDA seeking communications to determine whether the opioid manufacturing and distribution industry is influencing federal policy related to this nationwide crisis.