Entity: Department of Health and Human Services

FOIA to HHS/CMS Regarding Seema Verma

January 26, 2018
FOIA to CMS seeking communications between Seema Verma and various offices related to Medicaid.

FOIA to HHS/CMS Regarding Seema Verma Seeking Communications with States

January 26, 2018
FOIA to CMS seeking communications between Seema Verma and representatives of various states she worked for in a previous position as a healthcare consultant.

FOIA to HHS/CMS Regarding Seema Verma Seeking Medicaid Enrollment Records

January 26, 2018
All records reflecting any involvement by Seema Verma in any Medicaid waiver applications by the states of Kentucky, Indiana, and Iowa.

FOIA to HHS/CMS Regarding Seema Verma Seeking Recusal Records

January 26, 2018
FOIA to HHS seeking recusal records regarding Seema Verma.

American Oversight Sues HHS to Release Appointee Pledges

January 23, 2018
American Oversight sued the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to shed light on whether the Trump administration required political  appointees to sign political pledges prior to working at the agency.

Complaint: American Oversight v. HHS – Appointee Pledges

January 23, 2018
American Oversight sued the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to shed light on whether the Trump administration required political  appointees to sign political pledges prior to working at the agency.

FOIA to Multiple Entities Seeking Oaths of Office

January 19, 2018
FOIA to multiple entities seeking oaths of office.

HHS Communications with Congress Regarding the ACA – Sabotage Memo

December 14, 2017
Heavily-redacted HHS documents in response to our FOIA request for communications with Congress regarding the ACA. American Oversight's FOIA request had sought copies of a memo sent from President Trump to Congress regarding administrative actions that could undercut the Affordable Care Act.

FOIA to HHS for Updated Political Appointee Resumes and Job Titles

November 28, 2017
Updated FOIA request to HHS seeking resumes and job titles for political appointees hired by President Trump after March 15, 2017. This FOIA updates a previous request submitted by American Oversight seeking this information.

Reply Brief: American Oversight v. HHS and OMB – Health Care Emails

November 10, 2017
Reply brief filed by American Oversight in our FOIA lawsuit seeking the release of health care correspondence between HHS, OMB, and Congress.