Entity: Department of Health and Human Services

New Health Care Documents Show Effort to Hide Details of Negotiations

August 2, 2017
New documents released today show the Trump administration taking extraordinary steps to hide the details of its health care reform negotiations with top congressional leaders including House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Status Report and Request of Hearing: American Oversight v. HHS and OMB — Obamacare Repeal Negotiations

August 2, 2017
American Oversight sued HHS and OBM for failure to comply with FOIA (HHS-17-0024; OMB-17-0025). This is the status report and request for a hearing.

HHS July 31, 2017 Health Care Correspondence FOIA Production

July 31, 2017
Heavily redacted correspondence between the Department of Health and Human Services and Congress regarding health care reform, obtained through a FOIA lawsuit by American Oversight. This is the second of three sets of documents HHS was ordered to produce.

FOIA Request to HHS Communications between Tom Price and GOP Senators

July 25, 2017
Records and communications related to a meeting that occurred on or about June 20, 2017 between HHS Secretary Tom Price and Republican senators.

FOIA Request to HHS Keagan Lenihan Senior Adviser

July 25, 2017
Records pertaining to Keagan Lenihan, Senior Adviser/Counselor to the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

FOIA Request to HHS Timothy Clark Senior Adviser

July 25, 2017
Records pertaining to Timothy Clark, Senior Adviser to the Secretary and/or White House Liason.

FOIA Request to HHS Alexandra Campau Senior Adviser

July 25, 2017
Records pertaining to Alexandra Campau (formerly Pryor), Senior Adviser.

American Oversight Launches “Defund Trump” Investigation

July 24, 2017
American Oversight today launched Defund Trump, a campaign aimed at preventing President Trump and his family from financially profiting from government service.

FOIA Request to Multiple Agencies Guidelines Trump Properties

July 24, 2017
Guidance or emails relating to events at Trump properties or reimbursements paid to employees for expenses at Trump properties; records of the total cost of payments or reimbursements for expenses at Trump properties.

American Oversight Sues HHS and OMB For Secret Trump Letter Outlining Plan to Weaken Obamacare

July 20, 2017
With the Trump administration’s health care reform efforts stalled yet again, American Oversight today sued to force the release of a March letter from President Trump to House Republicans detailing potential administrative options he could use to undermine the Affordable Care Act (ACA).