Entity: National Archives and Records Administration

FOIA to NARA Seeking Communications with White House

November 18, 2020
FOIA request to the National Archives and Records Administration seeking records reflecting communications with the White House.

FOIA to NARA Seeking Notifications from White House of Intent to Dispose of Records

November 18, 2020
FOIA request to the National Archives and Records Administration seeking records reflecting any notifications from the White House that it intends to dispose of presidential records.

American Oversight Launches Document Preservation Initiative

November 10, 2020
U.S. law requires the preservation of White House and federal agency records. A new American Oversight initiative will work to ensure the Trump administration complies.

Letter to NARA, CIA, and State Requesting Recovery of Records Removed from Federal Custody Due to Pompeo Personal Email Use, and Reply from NARA

October 10, 2020
Letter from American Oversight to National Archives and Records Administration, Central Intelligence Agency, and State Department urging them to take prompt action to recover any federal records that may have been unlawfully removed from CIA or State Department custody as a result of Mike Pompeo’s use of personal email to conduct government business.

NARA, CIA, and DOJ Records from Kavanaugh Work in Bush White House

June 3, 2020
Files from the CIA, Justice Department, and National Archives containing emails from Justice Brett Kavanaugh's time working in the White House under President George W. Bush. These records were released by the agencies in late 2018 and early 2019 in response to Freedom of Information Act litigation brought by six members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Answer: American Oversight and Democracy Forward v. State Department et al.

January 10, 2020
Answer filed by the government in response to the Federal Records Act lawsuit brought by American Oversight and the Democracy Forward Foundation against the State Department, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the National Archives, and Archivist David Ferriero under the Federal Records Act to compel the defendants to preserve and recover any records of meetings between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Lawsuit over Administration’s Unlawful Seizure of Trump-Putin Meeting Notes Moves Forward

December 11, 2019
A federal judge rejected the government’s attempt to dismiss a lawsuit alleging that the administration had committed a serious violation of federal records laws after a 2017 meeting between Trump and Putin.

NARA Records Regarding Folder Title List for White House Counsel Files Related to Neomi Rao

October 24, 2019
Records from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in response to American Oversight's request for a folder title list of files related to Neomi Rao's service as associate counsel and special assistant to George W. Bush.

Complaint: American Oversight and Democracy Forward v. VA and NARA — David Shulkin’s Personal Emails

August 21, 2019
Lawsuit filed by American Oversight and Democracy Forward against the National Archives and Records Administration, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Archivist David Ferriero and VA Secretary Robert Wilkie for failing to recover and preserve emails former VA Secretary David Shulkin sent from a personal account used to conduct government business with outside advisers. The Federal Records Act requires the preservation of all agency records.

Groups Sue Pompeo for Refusing to Address Trump’s Unlawful Efforts to Hide Putin Meeting Notes

June 18, 2019
The president seized the notes illegally — federal law requires the secretary of state to preserve agency records and refer illegal conduct to the Justice Department.
(Photo: Gage Skidmore)