Entity: White House - Office of Management and Budget

FOIA to OMB Seeking Senior Officials’ Communications with Select Senators and Staff Engaged in Impeachment Proceedings

February 14, 2020
FOIA to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) seeking all records reflecting communications between senior agency officials and Senators with demonstrated interest in the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

DOD Emails and Records Related to Ukraine Assistance Funding

February 14, 2020
Records from the Department of Defense (DOD) in response to American Oversight’s request for directives and communications that may relate to any effort to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate one of President Trump’s political opponents as part of an effort to give the president an electoral advantage.

The Facts Are Still Coming Out

February 11, 2020
And we haven't yet reached the end.

News Roundup: Acquittal Isn’t the End

February 7, 2020
More questions remain. More answers are coming.

No Records Response from OMB Regarding Communications Between Select Officials and Former Mick Mulvaney Campaign Donors

February 7, 2020
Office of Management and Budget stated that it had no records of communications between select officials and former Mick Mulvaney campaign donors. American Oversight sought all records reflecting communications from February 16, 2017, through the date of the search.

FOIA to OMB for NDAs of Director Mick Mulvaney

February 3, 2020
FOIA to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) signed by Director Mulvaney in light of indications that Trump administration may have misused NDAs to limit the speech rights of government officials.

Lifted Redactions Reveal August 2019 Esper Communications About Zelensky, Ukraine Assistance

January 31, 2020
Even as the Senate majority signaled its intentions not to bring in additional witnesses or documents in the impeachment trial, new information continues to emerge.

News Roundup: Evidence of Obstruction

January 24, 2020
We uncovered emails revealing new details about the Ukraine scandal, and the next day, they were on the Senate floor in the impeachment trial.
Representative Jason Crow holds up a heavily-redacted email from the Office of Management and Budget during the Senate impeachment trial on Wednesday

OMB Releases 192 Pages of Ukraine Records to American Oversight

January 22, 2020
At 11:58 p.m. on Jan. 21, minutes before the deadline, the OMB released Ukraine-related documents, including records that have not been produced to Congress in its impeachment investigation.

FOIA to OMB Seeking Email Communications of Brian McCormack

January 8, 2020
FOIA to Office of Management and Budget seeking email communications of Brian McCormack regarding Ukraine and impeachment-related matters. American Oversight seeks these records to shed light on whether and to what extent the political interests of the president have influenced the administration’s policies and actions in Ukraine.