Entity: White House - Office of Management and Budget

FOIA to OMB Seeking Senior Officials’ Communications with Giuliani

January 8, 2020
FOIA to Office of Management and Budget seeking key senior officials’ communications with Rudy Giuliani. American Oversight seeks these records to shed light on whether and to what extent the political interests of the president have influenced the administration’s policies and actions in Ukraine.

Did the Trump Administration Abuse the Redactions Process?

January 7, 2020
FOIA has become the only vehicle to force the release of Ukraine records. But documents exposed last week show that the administration still has plenty of opportunities to obstruct.

FOIA to Multiple Agencies for Emails Related to Ukraine Funding

December 23, 2019
FOIA request to the Department of Defense and the Office of Management and Budget for selected emails related to the withholding of Ukraine funding.

News Roundup: Beyond Impeachment — The Investigations Continue

December 20, 2019
There's plenty to investigate as we approach the end of 2019 — Ukraine-related and otherwise.

FOIA to OMB Seeking Records Collected for Any White House or Internal Reviews Related to Impeachment Matters

December 19, 2019
FOIA to Office of Management and Budget seeking any records collected for the White House Counsel’s Office or any internal agency review related to matters that are the subject of the impeachment inquiry.

Joint Status Reports: American Oversight v. OMB and DOD – Directives and Communications Concerning Ukraine

December 16, 2019
Joint Status Reports filed by American Oversight, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the Department of Defense (DOD) in American Oversight’s lawsuit seeking directives and communications that may relate to any effort to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate one of President Trump’s political opponents as part of an effort to give the president an electoral advantage.

NRR from OMB Regarding the Costs of Family Separation

December 16, 2019
The Office of Management and Budget stated that it had no records of the costs associated with the Trump Administration's family separation policy.

News Roundup: Stephen Miller’s Extremist Network

December 13, 2019
Emails obtained by American Oversight provide a glimpse of how a senior adviser at ICE has worked with Miller to promote harsh anti-immigration policies.

FOIA to OMB Regarding Communications with Industry Lobbyists on Blowout Preventer Systems and Well Control Rule

December 12, 2019
FOIA to the Office of Management and Budget seeking email communications with industry lobbyists, including meetings on Blowout Preventer Systems and Well Control Rule.

FOIA to OMB Seeking Communications with Select Individuals Engaged in Impeachment Proceedings

December 12, 2019
FOIA to the Office of Management and Budget seeking all records reflecting communications between senior agency officials and Congress members or media with a demonstrated interest in the ongoing impeachment inquiry.