Entity: White House - Office of Management and Budget

FOIA to OMB Seeking OMB’s Analysis Concerning DOJ’s Family Separation Policy

August 21, 2018
FOIA to OMB seeking all final OMB analyses, reports, recommendations, and guidance documents concerning DOJ's Zero-Tolerance Policy for Criminal Illegal Entry, or any other actual or potential policy related to the separation of parents facing prosecution for unlawful entry from their children.

FOIA to OMB Seeking Kathy Kraninger’s White House Communications Regarding DOJ’s Family Separation Policy

August 21, 2018
FOIA to OMB seeking communications concerning the Department of Justice's Zero-Tolerance Policy for Criminal Illegal Entry, or any other actual or potential policy related to the separation of parents facing prosecution for unlawful entry from their children, between OMB Associate Director Kathy Kraninger and any official or employee of the White House Office, including but not limited to Senior Advisor to the President Stephen Miller.

FOIA to OMB Seeking Kathy Kraninger’s Communications With DOJ, DHS, or HHS Regarding DOJ’s Family Separation Policy

August 21, 2018
FOIA to OMB seeking communications concerning DOJ's Zero-Tolerance Policy for Criminal Illegal Entry, or any other actual or potential policy related to the separation of parents facing prosecution for unlawful entry from their children, between OMB Associate Director Kathy Kraninger and any official or employee of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), or the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Complaint: Allied Progress v. OMB and CFPB – Kraninger Records

July 25, 2018
American Oversight's lawsuit representing Allied Progress, an organization suing to uncover the records related to CFPB nominee Kathy Kraninger.

FOIA to OMB Seeking Communications with the Heritage Foundation

July 17, 2018
FOIA to OMB seeking communications with the Heritage Foundation and the Foundation for Government Accountability regarding government reorganization.

OMB Congressional Communications Regarding Tax Reform

July 16, 2018
Obtained by American Oversight via FOIA litigation in our tax reform lawsuit. Record containing congressional communications regarding tax reform.

Investigation Update: Tax Reform

July 12, 2018
American Oversight has been investigating the Trump administration’s overhaul of the federal tax code. The negotiations for the tax reform bill passed last December took place largely behind closed doors, but the public has a right to know how that bill was written, whether the administration and Congress were truthful about the changes they made, and who will really benefit.

Motion: American Oversight v. HHS and OMB – Health Care Emails

July 10, 2018
American Oversight motion asking the court to dismiss the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means from our Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking the release of Trump administration health care communications.

OMB Ethics Pledges for Political Appointees

June 29, 2018
Ethics pledges signed by Office of Management and Budget political appointees, including Director Mick Mulvaney.

FOIA to OMB Seeking Scheduler Communications with Outside Entities

June 14, 2018
FOIA to OMB seeking communications between all schedulers and advance team personnel for OMB Director Mick Mulvaney, or other personnel with such scheduling or advance responsibilities, and any external entities or individuals. This FOIA is seeking records to shed light on the priorities of high-ranking government officials within the agency.