Entity: White House - Office of Management and Budget

OMB ACA Response

December 19, 2017
Response to our FOIA for communications with Congress regarding the Affordable Care Act.

FOIA to OMB for Updated Political Appointee Resumes and Job Titles

December 18, 2017
Updated FOIA request to OMB seeking resumes and job titles for political appointees hired by President Trump after January 20, 2017. This FOIA updates a previous request submitted by American Oversight seeking this information.

Records From OMB Regarding Wall Budget

December 14, 2017
Documents from OMB in response to two of our FOIA requests regarding the wall budget discussions.

Reply Brief: American Oversight v. HHS and OMB – Health Care Emails

November 10, 2017
Reply brief filed by American Oversight in our FOIA lawsuit seeking the release of health care correspondence between HHS, OMB, and Congress.

No Records Response From OMB Regarding Jared Kushner’s Emails

November 7, 2017
No records response from OMB in response to our FOIA request for emails sent to or received from Jared Kushner with an email address that does not end in ".gov."

Reply Brief: US House of Representatives – Health Care Emails

November 6, 2017
Reply motion filed by the U.S. House of Representatives in American Oversight’s lawsuit seeking the release of emails between the Trump administration and Congress regarding health care reform. The House moved to intervene in the lawsuit to block the release of several emails.

Reply Brief: HHS and OMB – Health Care Emails

November 3, 2017
Reply motion filed by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Office of Management and Budget in American Oversight’s lawsuit seeking the release of emails between the Trump administration and Congress regarding health care reform. The Trump administration has refused to release communications that it is required to produce under the Freedom of Information Act.

American Oversight v. HHS – Sabotage Memo

November 2, 2017
Order from the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia instructing the Department of Health and Human Services to begin producing documents requested by American Oversight at a rate of 400 documents per month. American Oversight had sought records relating to a memo President Trump sent to Congressional Republicans regarding steps to sabotage the Affordable Care Act.