Entity: White House - Office of the U.S. Trade Representative

FOIA to Multiple Agencies Seeking Communications with Cohen and Lewandowski to Determine Influence

November 28, 2018
FOIA to DOE, CBP, OMB, SBA, and USTR seeking communications with Michael Cohen, Essential Consultants, Corey Lewandowski, Jason Osborne, Mike Rubino, Barry Bennett, and Turnberry Solutions LLC to determine if Cohen and Lewandowski have used their connection to the president for personal benefit.

FOIA to Multiple Agencies Seeking Communications Regarding Ivanka Trump’s Use of Personal Email

November 20, 2018
FOIA to multiple agencies seeking communications with the agencies, the White House, and Ivanka Trump’s law firms regarding Ivanka Trump and her use of personal email.

FOIA to USTR Seeking White House Communications Regarding Sheldon Adelson

November 19, 2018
FOIA to USTR seeking communications regarding Sheldon Adelson and casinos to shed light on the potential influence of the President's donors on U.S. foreign policy and our diplomatic relationships.

FOIA to USTR Seeking Communications Regarding Sheldon Adelson and Casinos

November 19, 2018
FOIA to USTR seeking communications with Japan, China, and Brazil, regarding Sheldon Adelson and casinos.

FOIA to USTR Seeking Communications with Sheldon Adelson and His Representatives

November 19, 2018
FOIA to USTR seeking communications between appointees and Sheldon Adelson or his representatives.

USTR External Talking Points Relating to NAFTA

November 15, 2018
U.S. Trade Representative records in response to our FOIA request seeking any talking points prepared for Ambassador Lighthizer, Stephen Vaughn, JohnMelle, or Jamieson Greer in connection with any calls or meetings relating to NAFTA that include anyone outside the federal Executive Branch. The records cover mid-late 2017. (USTR-17-0446)

FOIA to the USTR Seeking Communications with White House Officials Regarding Tariffs

October 23, 2018
FOIA to USTR seeking communications between appointees and Gary Cohn, Lawrence "Larry" Kudlow, Rob Porter, Alexander Gray, Jason Greenblatt, Peter Navarro, Any other individual with an email address ending in @who.eop.gov. This FOIA was submitted to determine industry influence.

FOIA to USTR Seeking Communications with Different Industries

October 23, 2018
FOIA to USTR seeking communications with groups like Alcoa, Apple, Autozone, BMW, Boeing, Chevrolet, Coca-Cola, Ford, General Electric, General Motors, Toyota, soy, Whirlpool, among others and terms related to tariffs and exemptions.

FOIA to USTR Seeking Communications with Terms Related to Different Industries

October 23, 2018
FOIA to USTR seeking communications with terms like Alcoa, Apple, Autozone, BMW, Boeing, Chevrolet, Coca-Cola, Ford, General Electric, General Motors, Toyota, soy, Whirlpool, among others and terms related to tariffs and exemptions.

FOIA to USTR Seeking Communications with Terms Related to Tariffs

October 23, 2018
FOIA to USTR Seeking communications with terms like "trade," "tariff," "exempt," and "war."