Entity: Wisconsin State Assembly

Records Request to Wisconsin Rep. Brandtjen for Guidance to Entities Investigating November 2020 Election

October 25, 2021
Public records request to Wisconsin Rep. Janel Brandtjen seeking policy documents for entities involved with investigating the results of the November 2020 election.

Records Request to Wisconsin Rep. Sanfelippo for Guidance to Entities Investigating November 2020 Election

October 25, 2021
Public records request to Wisconsin Rep. Joe Sanfelippo seeking policy documents for entities involved with investigating the results of the November 2020 election.

News Roundup: Sham Wisconsin Election Investigation Has Rough Couple Weeks

October 15, 2021
The partisan election investigation currently underway in Wisconsin has had a bumpy couple of weeks, thanks to a series of missteps by the attorney leading the review and confusion surrounding recent subpoenas issued to various county and city officials.

Records Request to Wisconsin State Assembly for Communications Between Contractors and External Entities

October 15, 2021
Public records request to the Wisconsin State Assembly seeking communications between contractors investigating the 2020 election and external entities.

Court Orders Wisconsin Assembly to ‘Immediately’ Release Records from Election Investigation or Show Cause

October 8, 2021
In the order, the judge wrote that it appears Vos and the Assembly had “unjustifiably withheld and refused to release the contractor records to which the Petitioner is entitled,”

Order: American Oversight v. Wisconsin State Assembly – Election Investigation Records

October 8, 2021
Order from the Dane County Circuit Court in Wisconsin directing the Wisconsin Assembly to produce records sought by American Oversight's litigation or show cause to the contrary at a hearing on November 5, 2021.

American Oversight Sues Wisconsin Assembly, Speaker Vos for Election ‘Investigation’ Records

October 8, 2021
The Assembly has failed to release documents related to its baseless and partisan investigation of the 2020 election, including records from hired contractors.

Complaint and Court Filings: American Oversight v. Wisconsin State Assembly – Wisconsin Election Investigation Records

October 8, 2021
Lawsuit filed by American Oversight against the Wisconsin State Assembly, Assembly Clerk, and Assembly Speaker Vos seeking the release of records — including communications and contracts with contractors — concerning an investigation into the state’s November 2020 election results.

Records Request to Wisconsin State Assembly Seeking Rep. Brandtjen’s Communications Regarding 2020 Election Investigation

September 28, 2021
Records request to the Wisconsin State Assembly seeking Rep. Janel Brandtjen's communications regarding the investigation into the 2020 November election results.

Records Request to Contractor Steven Page Seeking Communications Regarding Elections Investigation

September 15, 2021
Public records request to contractor Steven Page seeking additional communications regarding the legislature's investigation of the November 2020 election.