Topic: Environment & Energy

FOIA to DOE Seeking Communications with Outside Individuals Associated with U.S. Energy Interests in Ukraine and Allies of Rudy Giuliani

October 9, 2019
FOIA to Department of Energy seeking all records reflecting communications between senior agency officials and outside groups associated with U.S. energy interests in Ukraine and allies of Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph Giuliani.

EPA Calendars for Scott Pruitt and Senior Staff Officials

October 4, 2019
Calendars from the Environmental Protection Agency for for senior officials maintained from March 2018 through the date the search is conducted.

EPA Records Regarding the “Integrated Risk Information System Formaldehyde Assessment”

October 4, 2019
Records from the Environmental Protection Agency in response to American Oversight's request for a document titled the "Integrated Risk Information System Formaldehyde Assessment."

News Roundup: The Public Needs Answers

October 4, 2019
The pressure on the president and his administration has been even further intensified thanks to the release of damaging text messages sent by government officials.

FOIA to EPA Seeking Communications with Oil and Gas Industry on Methane Emissions Regulatory Rollback

October 2, 2019
FOIA request to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) seeking emails and meetings between key officials and the members of and advocates for the oil and gas industry regarding the proposed rule rolling back methane emissions standards.

TVA Records Regarding Haney Acquisition of Bellefonte Plant in 2018

September 30, 2019
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) records from 2018 regarding Haney acquisition of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant.

No Records Response from FEMA Regarding Hurricane Maria Death Toll

September 30, 2019
No records response from Federal Emergency Management Agency to our request for records related to Trump's tweets regarding Hurricane Maria, Hurricane Maria death tolls, and Hurricane Maria funeral expenses.

EPA Records Regarding Communications with Mandy Gunasekara

September 27, 2019
Records from the Environmental Protection Agency concerning communications with Mandy Gunasekara, founder of the Energy 45 Fund.

Using FOIA to Fight Trump Administration Obstruction

September 27, 2019
We obtained documents that show the coziness between political appointees and the fossil fuel industry — and provide an example of the administration's failure to cooperate fully with congressional oversight requests.

FOIA to DOI Seeking Communications Between Recreation Czar Rick May and Land Transfer Advocate Fred Ferguson

September 26, 2019
FOIA request to the Department of the Interior seeking communications between Senior Advisor Rick May and land transfer advocate Fred Ferguson or any other employee of Vista Outdoor. May’s calendars revealed that he met with Ferguson, but did not reveal the nature of their meeting. Accordingly, American Oversight is seeking records from January 2018 through the present.