Topic: Environment & Energy

No Records Response from NNSA Regarding Nuclear Sales to Saudi Arabia

September 26, 2019
The Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration stated it had no records related to key terms about nuclear technology and Saudi Arabia.

FOIA to DOI Seeking Communications Between Recreation Czar Rick May and Western Spirit Cycling CEO Ashley Korenblat

September 26, 2019
FOIA request to the Department of the Interior seeking communications between Senior Advisor Rick May and Ashley Korenblat, managing director at Public Land Solutions and CEO at Western Spirit Cycling. May’s calendars revealed that he maintained frequent contact with Korenblat, but did not reveal the nature of their communications. Accordingly, American Oversight is seeking records from January 2018 through the present.

FOIA to DOI Seeking Communications Between Recreation Czar Rick May and Land Transfer Advocate Fred Ferguson

September 26, 2019
FOIA request to the Department of the Interior seeking communications between Senior Advisor Rick May and land transfer advocate Fred Ferguson or any other employee of Vista Outdoor. May’s calendars revealed that he met with Ferguson, but did not reveal the nature of their meeting. Accordingly, American Oversight is seeking records from January 2018 through the present.

No Records Response from USGS Regarding Communications with Industry Groups

September 25, 2019
The United States Geological Survey stated that it had no records of communications with industry groups. American Oversight filed this request following a change in computer-generated models that the agency uses to model climate change.

FOIA to Commerce Seeking Directives Related to Hurricane Dorian Tweets and Statements

September 24, 2019
FOIA to the Commerce Department seeking directives issued by the White House or the Commerce Department related to tweets and public statements about Hurricane Dorian’s impact on the Southeastern United States.

FOIA to NOAA Seeking Directives Related to Hurricane Dorian Tweets and Statements

September 24, 2019
FOIA to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration seeking directives issued by the White House or the Commerce Department related to tweets and public statements about Hurricane Dorian’s impact on the Southeastern United States.

FOIA to Commerce Seeking Communications Related to Hurricane Dorian Tweets

September 24, 2019
FOIA to the Commerce Department seeking communications related to tweets about Hurricane Dorian’s impact on the Southeastern United States.

No Records Response from STATE Regarding CA Ambassador Kelly Craft’s communications with outside organizations

September 24, 2019
The State Department's Bureau of Human Resources and Office of Records and Information Management stated that it had no records of US Ambassador to Canada Kelly Craft communicating with outside organizations, including with coal, oil, and gas interests, and groups associated with climate change denial.

FOIA to NOAA Seeking Communications Related to Hurricane Dorian Tweets

September 24, 2019
FOIA to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration seeking communications related to tweets about Hurricane Dorian’s impact on the Southeastern United States.

NRR from DOE Regarding Talking Points and Internal Assessments Related to Nuclear Technology Sharing with Saudi Arabia

September 23, 2019
The Department of Energy stated that it had no records of final talking points, records reflecting final decisions, and internal assessments relating to nuclear technology sharing with Saudi Arabia.