Topic: Immigration

No Records Response from Texas Attorney General’s Office Regarding Communications with Stephen Miller and Other Anti-Immigration Activists

April 27, 2021
The Office of the Texas Attorney General stated that it had no records responsive to American Oversight's request for communications with former White House official Stephen Miller and other anti-immigration activists.

FOIA to DHS Regarding Allegations that CBP Staged a Human Trafficking Incident Filmed by CNN

April 27, 2021
FOIA request to U.S. Customs and Border Protection seeking communications related to CNN footage purportedly showing a human trafficker ferrying migrants across the Rio Grande at an area of the river controlled by CBP. A former border patrol agent has since claimed that the event may have been staged for the media.

FOIA to ICE Regarding Use of CLEAR Database to Conduct Surveillance of Undocumented Immigrants

April 27, 2021
FOIA request to Immigration and Customs Enforcement regarding the use of the Thomson Reuters CLEAR Database to surveil and target undocumented immigrants for deportation.

Records Request to Texas Attorney General’s Office Seeking Attorney General Paxton’s Communications with Stephen Miller and Associates

April 23, 2021
Public records request to the Office of the Attorney General of Texas seeking communications with former White House staffer Stephen Miller and his associates at America First Legal.

Records Request to Texas Attorney General’s Office Seeking AG Paxton’s Communications with America First Legal and Related Groups

April 23, 2021
Public records request to the Office of the Attorney General of Texas seeking communications with the anti-immigration groups America First Legal, Conservative Partnership Institute, and the Immigration Reform Law Institute.

FOIA to DHS Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Seeking Complaints Referred by Office of Refugee Resettlement

April 22, 2021
FOIA request to the Department of Homeland Security Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties seeking records of complaints regarding immigration detention referred by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, or complaints pertaining to unaccompanied minors or family separation.

FOIA to DHS Inspector General’s Office for Analyses of Medical Incidents in Detention Centers Brought to Health Service Corps

April 22, 2021
FOIA request to the Department of Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General seeking referrals of medical incidents in immigration detention centers escalated to ICE Health Service Corps leadership.

FOIA to DHS Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Seeking Complaint Data for Immigration Detention Centers

April 22, 2021
FOIA request to the Department of Homeland Security Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties seeking records of complaints regarding immigration detention.

FOIA to ICE Seeking Analyses of Medical Incidents Brought to Health Service Corps

April 22, 2021
FOIA request to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) seeking analysis records of medical incidents in immigration detention centers that were escalated to the ICE Health Service Corps leadership.

Records Request to Texas Governor for Communications with Stephen Miller and Other Anti-Immigration Activists

April 20, 2021
Public records request to the Office of the Texas Governor for communications with former White House official Stephen Miller and other anti-immigration activists.