Topic: Immigration

How Members of Anti-Immigrant Extremist Groups Have Worked Closely with — and Joined — the Trump Administration

November 18, 2020
From arranging meetings to collaborating on policy, anti-immigrant groups appear frequently in records obtained by American Oversight, revealing their influence in an administration that has instituted the most restrictive anti-immigration measures in decades.

DHS Records Released in Response to Request for Communications Related to Border Wall

November 17, 2020
Records released by the Department of Homeland Security in response to American Oversight's request for communications related to the border wall.

No Records Response from ACF Regarding Communications about Cost of Family Separation

November 9, 2020
The Administration for Children and Families stated that it had no records in response to American Oversight's request for documents of communications about the cost of family separation.

Open Questions About Trump Administration Policies

October 29, 2020
The tragically botched pandemic response and devastating practice of separating immigrant families are just some of the Trump administration’s actions that bear further scrutiny.

USTR Communications with Stephen Miller

October 28, 2020
Records from the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative in response to American Oversight's request for communications between White House Senior Adviser Stephen Miller and agency officials.

News Roundup: Pompeo’s Emails and Barrett’s Nomination

October 22, 2020
If there were any hopes that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo would, after having been accused of Hatch Act violations this summer, tone down his political activities as the election drew nearer, his recent pledge to release the emails of former Secretary Hillary Clinton has put those expectations to rest.

News Roundup: Restricting the Vote

October 15, 2020
As the election draws nearer, political observers are increasingly turning attention to poll results in states across the country. But of course, poll numbers don’t mean much if ballots aren’t counted — or if people can’t vote in the first place.

The Spread of Coronavirus in Migrant Detention Facilities

October 15, 2020
As the country shut down and millions began social distancing, immigrants in detention facilities were denied sanitary supplies, masks, and testing. American Oversight is investigating how the administration’s response to the pandemic has affected the thousands of immigrants trapped in detention centers.

ACF Communications About Vaccination Information Protocols for Children Detained in Detention Centers

October 9, 2020
Email communications from the Administration for Children & Families regarding vaccination protocols for children detained at detention centers. These records were produced by the agency in response to American Oversight's request for records related to policies to diagnose, treat, and prevent the spread of infectious diseases at Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) facilities.

FOIA to Commerce for Directives Related to White House Memo Excluding Undocumented Immigrants from Census Count

October 9, 2020
FOIA request to the Department of Commerce and the Census Bureau for records related to the White House’s executive order excluding undocumented immigrants from the count used for congressional re-apportionment.