American Oversight Statement on Trump-Incited Mob Attack on Capitol
Every moment President Trump remains in power is a threat to our democracy and our nation.
American Oversight released the following statement in response to Wednesday’s mob attack on the U.S. Capitol incited by President Donald Trump. From Austin Evers, executive director of American Oversight:
“The president of the United States incited an extremist mob attack on the United States Capitol on Wednesday. The president was abetted by allies across the country who stoked fear and anger through lies and demagoguery. That is the base truth we face today as we turn to the question of accountability.
“For the anti-American vandals who committed crimes on Wednesday, accountability means investigation and prosecution under federal and state laws.
“For the president who incited the mob, the Constitution provides for impeachment for the high crimes he engaged in on Wednesday, and for his immediate removal via the 25th Amendment if, as is apparent, he has lost the capacity to govern. Every moment President Trump remains in power is a threat to our democracy and our nation.
“American Oversight calls for accountability. We will investigate the events of Wednesday, January 6, 2021, using the tools at our disposal, and that includes investigating whether federal and state law enforcement respond to the violence with the vigor demanded by its severity. We also call for transparency: Congress must amend the Freedom of Information Act to include the Capitol Police to promote trust and accountability.”
American Oversight has already been investigating efforts by Trump and his supporters to overturn the outcome of the November election. Follow our investigation and view related records requests and litigation here.