March 30, 2023

American Oversight v. Assembly Office of Special Counsel and Wisconsin State Assembly

Complaint and related filings from the lawsuit filed by American Oversight against the Wisconsin Assembly Office of Special Counsel, the Wisconsin State Assembly, Assembly Clerk, and Assembly Speaker Vos seeking the release of records in the possession of the Assembly Office of Special Counsel, concerning an investigation into the state’s November 2020 election.

Docket Number 21-3007

Lawsuit filed by American Oversight against the Wisconsin Assembly Office of Special Counsel, the Wisconsin State Assembly, Assembly Clerk, and Assembly Speaker Vos seeking the release of records in the possession of the Assembly Office of Special Counsel, concerning an investigation into the state’s November 2020 election results.

Dec. 21, 2021: Initial Complaint

April 2023

Apr. 24, 2023: Court notice of dismissal of appeal
Apr. 28, 2023: Court order and dismissal

March 2023

Mar. 5: OSC’s reply brief
Mar. 30:
American Oversight’s response to Wisconsin Assembly OSC’s appeal

January 2023

Jan, 12. 2023: OSC’s opening brief

September 2022

Sept. 1: Orders entered by the Wisconsin Court of Appeals regarding various motions
Sept. 13: Notice of appeal filed by OSC regarding fee awards
Sept. 14: Motion on behalf of OSC seeking stay of its appeal of fee awards
Sept. 22: American Oversight responses opposing a stay of the fees appeal
Sept. 26: Appeal filed by attorneys who represented OSC

August 2022

Aug. 17: Court supplement to July 18 decision denying OSC motion to recuse
Aug. 17: Court decision and order finding OSC has purged its contempt
Aug. 17: Court decision and order denying OSC’s motion to stay
Aug. 22: Notice of appeal on behalf of OSC regarding sanctions imposed on Gableman, denial of motion to recuse, revocation of out-of-state attorneys’ participation
Aug. 23: Motions on behalf of OSC seeking to consolidate previous appeals, to allow excess words in a brief, and for a new briefing schedule
Aug. 25: American Oversight’s opposition to OSC’s motions to Admit attorneys Massie, Maughon, Bopp, and Milbank to participate in case
Aug. 25: Order granting OSC’s motions to admit attorneys Massie, Maughon, Bopp, and Milbank to case
Aug. 25: American Oversight’s motion to reconsider order granting motions to admit Attorneys Massie, Maughon, Bopp, and Milbank to case

July 2022

July 15: OSC’s motion for recusal and memorandum in support of motion for recusal
July 18:
Court decision and order denying recusal
July 20:
Court decision and order denying OSC’s request for continuance

June 2022

June 7: American Oversight’s opposition to defendants’ motion to quash subpoena and exclude from testifying as well as accompanying affidavit
June 9: Circuit Court order denying Special Counsel’s motion to quash subpoena and exclude from testifying 
June 14: Stadler letter to the Court
June 15: Letter from the Circuit Court Clerk to the Office of Lawyer Regulation
June 15: Circuit Court order and decision on contempt
June 17: Office of special counsel’s notice of appeal and related filings
June 28: Office of Special Counsel letter and accompanying affidavit regarding July 13, 2022, hearing 

May 2022

May 3: American Oversight’s motion to determine and order costs, fees and damages
May 10:
OSC’s list of witnesses for June 10 hearing
May 13: Vos and Assembly’s brief in opposition to American Oversight’s motion to modify and for contempt
May 13: Assembly and OSC’s response in opposition to American Oversight’s motion for injunctive relief
May 13: Assembly and OSC’s opposition to American Oversight’s motion to modify court order and for contempt
May 17: Vos and the Assembly’s opposition to American Oversight’s fee petition

April 2022

April 20: American Oversight’s motion and supporting brief to reopen and modify the Court’s order
April 20: American Oversight’s motion and supporting brief for temporary injunction
April 21: Temporary Court order prohibiting the destruction of records
April 29: Amended scheduling order

March 2022

March 2: Court decision and order for the release of Office of the Special Counsel records regarding the 2020 election investigation
March 4: American Oversight’s Opposition to Office of the Special Counsel’s Motion for Stay Pending Appeal 
March 8: Court decision and order concerning the release of records regarding the 2020 election investigation

February 2022

Feb. 10: Office of the Special Counsel reply brief in support of motion to quash
Feb. 10: Vos, Blazel, and Wisconsin Assembly’s reply brief in support of motion to quash
Feb. 17: Office of the Special Counsel’s notice and motion regarding documents submitted for individualized In Camera review and of any documents ordered released
Feb. 22: American Oversight’s Motion to Strike Specific Filings
Feb. 25: Office of the Special Counsel’s Notice and Motion for Excess Pages
Feb, 25: Office of the Special Counsel’s response to American Oversight’s motion to strike incorporation of motion to dismiss

January 2022

Jan. 10: Motion to consolidate lawsuits
Jan. 18: Notice and motion for order to continue return date and set briefing and hearing schedule
Jan. 19: Order denying motion for continuance
Jan. 20: Defendants’ initial and amended motion to quash and alternative motion to strike portions of the petition
Jan. 20: Notice and motion and brief in support to dismiss or quash petition and related affidavit
Jan. 21: Decision and order striking motion to quash and denying alternative motion to strike
Jan. 24: Wisconsin Assembly amendment to the contract with election investigator Michael Gableman
Jan. 25: Signed order and schedule
Jan. 26: Letter acknowledging acceptance of service on behalf of the Office of the Special Counsel
Jan. 27: Office of Special Counsel’s notice and motion for reconsideration or to amend scheduling order
Jan. 28: Court denial of the Office of Special Counsel’s notice and motion for reconsideration
Jan. 31: Court letter regarding records filing procedure
Jan. 31: Vos’s letter to court regarding response to requests at issue
Jan. 31: Responses filed by American Oversight to motions to quash filed by both OSC and the Assembly

December 2021

Dec. 20: Application for alternative writ and show cause order
Dec. 21: Dane County Circuit Court order to Wisconsin Assembly and its Office of Special Counsel

Dec. 20, 2021: Application for Alternative Writ and Show Cause Order

Dec. 21, 2021: Initial Complaint

Jan. 10, 2022: Motion to Consolidate Lawsuits

Jan. 18, 2022: Notice and Motion for Order to Continue Return Date and Set Briefing and Hearing Schedule

Jan. 19, 2022: Order Denying Motion for Continuance 

Jan. 20, 2022: Defendants’ Initial Motion to Quash and Alternative Motion to Strike Portions of the Petition as well as Amended Motion Submitted Jan. 25, 2022 

Jan. 20, 2022: Notice and Motion and Brief in Support to Dismiss or Quash Petition and Related Affidavit

Jan. 21, 2022: Decision and Order Striking Motion to Quash and Denying Alternative Motion to Strike

Jan. 25, 2022: Court Order and Schedule Following Jan. 21, 2022, Hearing

Jan. 26, 2022: Letter Acknowledging Acceptance of Service On Behalf of the Office of the Special Counsel

Jan. 27, 2022: Office of Special Counsel’s Notice and Motion for Reconsideration or to Amend Scheduling Order

Jan. 28, 2022: Court Denial of Office of Special Counsel’s Notice and Motion for Reconsideration

Jan. 31, 2022: Court Letter Regarding Records Filing Procedure

Jan. 31, 2022: Vos Letter to Court Regarding Responses to Requests

Jan. 31, 2022: Responses filed by American Oversight to Motions to Quash filed by both OSC and the Assembly

These responses are accompanied by several exhibits supporting American Oversight’s positions, including transcripts of the Jan. 12, 2022, depositions of Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and his aide, Steve Fawcett.

Feb. 10, 2022: Office of the Special Counsel Reply Brief in Support of Motion to Quash

Feb. 10, 2022: Vos, Blazel, and Wisconsin Assembly’s Reply Brief in Support of Motion to Quash

Feb. 17, 2022: Office of the Special Counsel Notice and Motion Regarding Documents Submitted for Individualized In Camera Review and of Any Documents Ordered Released

Feb. 22, 2022: American Oversight’s Motion to Strike Specific Filings

Feb. 25, 2022: Office of the Special Counsel’s Notice and Motion for Excess Pages

Feb. 25, 2022: Office of the Special Counsel’s response to American Oversight’s motion to strike incorporation of motion to dismiss

March 2, 2022: Court Decision and Order for the Release of Office of  the Special Counsel Records Regarding the 2020 Election Investigation

March 4, 2022: American Oversight’s Opposition to Office of the Special Counsel’s Motion for Stay Pending Appeal

March 8, 2022: Court Decision and Order Concerning the Release of Records Regarding the 2020 Election Investigation

April 20, 2022: American Oversight Motion and Supporting Brief to Reopen and Modify the Court’s Order

April 20, 2022: American Oversight Motion and Supporting Brief for Temporary Injunction

April 21, 2022: Temporary Court Order Prohibiting the Destruction of Record

April 29, 2022: Amended Scheduling Order

May 3, 2022: American Oversight’s Motion to Determine and Order Costs, Fees and Damages

May 10, 2022: OSC’s List of Witnesses for June 10 Hearing

May 13, 2022: Vos and Assembly’s Brief in Opposition to American Oversight’s Motion to Modify and for Contempt

May 13, 2022: Assembly OSC’s Response in Opposition to American Oversight’s Motion for Injunctive Relief

May 13, 2022: Assembly OSC’s Opposition to American Oversight’s Motion to Modify Court Order and for Contempt

May 17, 2022: Vos and the Assembly’s Opposition to American Oversight’s Fee Petition

June 7, 2022: American Oversight’s Opposition to Defendants’ Motion to Quash Subpoena and Exclude from Testifying as well as Accompanying Affidavit

June 9, 2022: Circuit Court Order Denying Special Counsel’s Motion to Quash Subpoena and Exclude from Testifying

June 14, 2022: Stadler Letter to the Court

June 15, 2022: Letter from the Circuit Court Clerk to the Office of Lawyer Regulation

June 15, 2022: Circuit Court Order and Decision on Contempt

June 17, 2022: Office of Special Counsel’s Notice of Appeal and Related Filings

June 28, 2022: Office of Special Counsel Letter and Accompanying Affidavit Regarding July 13, 2022, Hearing

July 15, 2022: The Office of The Special Counsel’s Motion for Recusal and Memorandum in Support of Motion for Recusal

July 18, 2022: Court Decision and Order Denying Recusal

July 20, 2022: Court Decision and Order Denying Office of The Special Counsel’s Request for Continuance

Aug. 17, 2022: Court Supplement to July 18 Decision Denying the Office of Special Counsel’s Motion to Recuse

Aug. 17, 2022: Court Decision and Order Finding the Office of Special Counsel Has Purged Its Contempt

Aug. 17, 2022: Court Decision and Order Denying the Office of Special Counsel’s Motion to Stay

Aug. 25, 2022: American Oversight’s Opposition to OSC’s Motions to Admit Attorneys Massie, Maughon, Bopp, and Milbank to Participate in Case

Aug. 25, 2022: Court Order Granting OSC’s Motions to Admit Attorneys Massie, Maughon, Bopp, and Milbank to Participate in Case

Aug. 25, 2022: American Oversight’s Motion to Reconsider Order Granting Motions to Admit Attorneys Massie, Maughon, Bopp, and Milbank to Participate in Case

Jan. 12, 2023: OSC’s Opening Breif

March 30, 2023: American Oversight’s Brief in Response to Wisconsin Assembly Office of Special Counsel’s Appeal

March 5, 2023: OSC Reply Brief

April 24,  2023: Notice of Dismissal of Appeal

April 28, 2023: Court Order and Dismissal