DOT Senior Political Appointee Calendars
Calendars maintained by Department of Transportation political appointees, including Secretary Elaine Chao, Deputy Secretary Jeffrey Rosen, and Chief of Staff Geoffrey Burr, as well as for Secretary Chao's conference room. Calendars cover the time period of January 2017 through March 2018.
Calendars maintained by Department of Transportation political appointees, including Secretary Elaine Chao, Deputy Secretary Jeffrey Rosen, and Chief of Staff Geoffrey Burr, as well as for Secretary Chao’s conference room. Calendars cover the time period of January 2017 through March 2018.
Records received August 31, 2018:
Records received July 9, 2019
Highlights from records received July 9, 2019:
Page 61: A “Memorandum of Understanding On Agreement of Friendship and Mutual Cooperation” dated Oct, 23, 2017, between Gov. Hideaki Ohmura, representing the Aichi Prefecture of Japan, and Kentucky Gov. Matthew Bevin. The memorandum underlines the commitment of both parties to “establish a relationship with the goals of encouraging friendship and the increase of prosperity in both regions.”
Page 62: A record of planned activities for Ohmura’s visit from Oct. 23 through Oct. 26 includes an Oct. 26 meeting was with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, Senator Rand Paul, and Rep. Andy Barr in Washington, D.C. According to the document, “Aichi and Kentucky have enjoyed close ties supported by Aichi companies.”
Page 63: A draft schedule of events for the “Congress of Tomorrow: House and Senate Republican Speaker Conference,” which took place Jan. 31 through Feb. 2, 2018, includes a joint session titled “Repairing and Rebuilding America’s Infrastructure Working Session with Presentations and Q&A,” presented by Chao.
Page 87: A list of attendees for the 2017 Paducah Area D.C. Fly-In, where political and business figures from Paducah City, Ky., can meet with officials and members of Congress, includes individuals affiliated with groups in the transportation sector.
Page 95: The “Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce 2017 Federal Legislative Agenda” highlights a need for continued investment in inland waterways, expanded highway transportation projects, and flood protection systems.