Featured Document
December 17, 2018

EPA Administrator Pruitt Office Renovation Expenses

Emails, invoices, and expense records from the EPA regarding upgrades or other renovations of the offices of former Administrator Scott Pruitt and two EPA assistant administrators.

Emails, invoices, and expense records from the EPA regarding upgrades or other renovations of the offices of Administrator Scott Pruitt, the Assistant Administrator for the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, and the Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development. American Oversight received an additional production that contained emails discussing potential formaldehyde exposure from Pruitt’s desk. This page contains three sets of documents.

Records received April 6, 2018
Records received March 7, 2018
Records received July 16, 2018
Records received September 14, 2018
Records received between August, 2018 and February, 2019
