August 3, 2021

American Oversight v. Census Bureau – Officials’ Communications with Trump White House and Other External Parties

Lawsuit filed by American Oversight against the U.S. Census Bureau seeking the release of communications with White House officials during litigation over the decennial census cut-off date. This lawsuit also seeks the external communications of specific bureau officials who served under the Trump administration, including Benjamin Overholt, Eric Mayfield, Nathaniel Cogley, Adam Korzeniewski.

Docket Number 21-2082

Lawsuit filed by American Oversight against the U.S. Census Bureau seeking the release of communications with White House officials during litigation over the decennial census cut-off date. This lawsuit also seeks the external communications of specific bureau officials who served under the Trump administration, including Benjamin Overholt, Eric Mayfield, Nathaniel Cogley, Adam Korzeniewski.