See the 2017 Resume of the College Senior Hired as Top Official in White House Personnel Office
Trump's purge has apparently left enough room for the White House to hire a college senior as a top official in the Presidential Personnel Office.

President Donald Trump’s purge of “bad people” from the administration — in other words, officials unwilling to turn a blind eye to his corruption — has apparently left enough room for the White House to hire a college senior as a top official in the Presidential Personnel Office.
According to reporting by Politico, James Bacon is only 23 years old, and is pursuing a bachelor’s degree at George Washington University. He will reportedly serve “as one of the right-hand men” to John McEntee, the 29-year-old newly appointed head of the personnel office. McEntee, a former Trump body man who was fired in 2018 over financial crime allegations, has already hit the ground running on executing Trump’s loyalty purges, having asked cabinet agencies to identify anti-Trumpers.
Bacon came to the White House from the Department of Transportation, and before that was a White House liaison at the Department of Housing and Urban Development. And it just so happens that we have his resume from when he entered HUD in 2017.
His professional experience includes internship positions with Trump’s 2016 campaign and doing “hotel bookings” for the post-election transition team. He also lists work as a production assistant for the Fox show Superhuman.
This isn’t the first time a former campaign staffer in their early 20s was promoted to a high-level position — back in early 2018, American Oversight obtained the resume of Taylor Weyeneth, who at 23 was a appointed to the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, where he became deputy chief of staff. Two months after the Washington Post story on those documents, Weyeneth was out. “It’s the story of a young operative whose central qualification was loyalty,” wrote the Post in June 2018, “and whose responsibilities included furnishing the White House with intellligence about career employees at a time when the administration distrusts the standing bureaucracy to an unusual degree.”
You can read more about our investigation into the president’s disturbing purge of dissenters from government ranks here.