Statement from American Oversight on Matt Gaetz’s Withdrawal from Attorney General Consideration
The announcement comes the same week American Oversight accelerated its lawsuit against the Justice Department for the release of documents related to the federal investigation of Gaetz.

Nonpartisan watchdog organization American Oversight — which on Tuesday filed a motion for preliminary injunction in its lawsuit for records from the federal investigation of Matt Gaetz — issued the following statement following Gaetz’s announcement on Thursday withdrawing his name from consideration as U.S. attorney general.
“We’re pleased that our lawsuit was a key part of the public pressure that led to Matt Gaetz’s decision to withdraw from attorney general consideration,” said American Oversight interim Executive Director Chioma Chukwu. “His withdrawal is a clear indication that public demand for information and a transparent process will remain a powerful force for holding leaders accountable. Through our litigation, we will continue to demand what the American people deserve: answers about the alleged conduct of Mr. Gaetz, who remains a powerful public figure likely to have great influence in the incoming Trump administration. While the Trump transition team has signaled its contempt for basic vetting and screening procedures, it is imperative that every nominee for high office is subject to an open and transparent confirmation process.”
Earlier this week, American Oversight filed a motion for preliminary injunction in its ongoing lawsuit for the release of interview records, known as “302s,” from the FBI’s investigation of Gaetz for serious criminal allegations, including sex trafficking of a minor. As attorney general, Gaetz would have been in charge of overseeing the same agencies that investigated him and those agencies’ lawyers in federal court — agencies that now hold critical records that could contain information about alleged criminal behavior. Even though the immediate urgency of expedited judicial relief has passed, American Oversight’s ongoing federal lawsuit seeking these records will continue as previously scheduled.
According to public reporting, President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team had not yet signed agreements allowing the FBI to conduct background checks on his Cabinet selections, a process necessary for obtaining security clearances and providing standard screening information for the Senate prior to confirmation hearings.