Statement on the Release of Lobbyist Ethics Waivers
The Office of Government Ethics today released ethics waivers from Trump administration appointees, documenting numerous potential conflicts of interest based on previous employment.
Washington, DC – The Office of Government Ethics today released ethics waivers from Trump administration appointees, documenting numerous potential conflicts of interest based on previous employment.
American Oversight had previously sued eight federal agencies on May 22, 2017 – including the Department of Health and Human Services and the Treasury Department, who both released waivers today – to compel the release of their ethics waivers following attempts by the Trump administration to block their disclosure.
In response to today’s release, American Oversight Executive Director Austin Evers issued the following statement:
“Today’s release of ethics waivers is an important step in shedding light on the dizzying array of conflicts of interest that President Trump has created through key appointments in his administration. It also raises serious questions about the numerous officials with apparent conflicts of interest who did not receive waivers. From the White House on down, it’s clear that ‘drain the swamp’ was nothing more than a campaign talking point.
“An ethics waiver doesn’t absolve anyone of having to obey the law. With the administration unwilling to police its own behavior, American Oversight will continue to use FOIA and litigation to hold the president and his appointees accountable.”