October 8, 2021

American Oversight v. Wisconsin State Assembly – Wisconsin Election Investigation Records

Lawsuit filed by American Oversight against the Wisconsin State Assembly, Assembly Clerk, and Assembly Speaker Vos seeking the release of records — including communications and contracts with contractors — concerning an investigation into the state’s November 2020 election results.

Docket Number 21-2440

Lawsuit filed by American Oversight against the Wisconsin State Assembly, Assembly Clerk, and Assembly Speaker Vos seeking the release of records — including communications and contracts with contractors — concerning an investigation into the state’s November 2020 election results.

Oct. 8, 2021: Initial complaint


July 26: American Oversight’s notice of motion and motion for leave to file reply brief

June 9: Circuit court order regarding purge submissions
June 14: American Oversight letter regarding order about purge submissions
June 21: Michael Gableman’s motion for continuance of hearing
June 21: American Oversight’s opposition to Gableman’s motion for continuance
June 22: Affidavit of Michael Gableman
June 22: Circuit court order and denial of motion for a continuance
June 22: Michael Gableman’s request for clarification
June 22: American Oversight’s response to Michael Gableman’s request for clarification
June 22: Transcript of June 6, 2022, video deposition of Zakory W. Niemierowicz

May 3: Respondents’ brief in opposition to motion to preserve records
May 12: Circuit court order to preserve records

April 13: Defendant’s response to contempt order
April 22: American Oversight’s motion for order to preserve records

Mar. 16: Brief in support of motion for remedial sanctions
Mar. 30: Court decision and order

Feb. 25: Respondents’ brief in opposition to motion for remedial sanctions

Jan. 10: Motion to consolidate lawsuits


Dec. 3: American Oversight’s notice and motion for remedial sanctions
Dec. 3: Affidavit in support of American Oversight’s motion for remedial sanctions
Dec. 3: Brief in support of motion for remedial sanctions
Dec. 21: Respondents’ opposition to petitioner’s motion for remedial sanctions
Dec. 27: Reply brief in support of motion for remedial sanctions

Nov. 4: Respondents’ answer to petition for alternative writ
Nov. 22: Signed Dane County Circuit Court mandamus order to produce records by Nov. 19

Oct. 8: Dane County Circuit Court order to Wisconsin Assembly
Oct. 8: Application for alternative writ and show cause order